Mariah's Story

Memories Captured by Squishy Prints

Mariah's little life changed drastically when, at only seven weeks old, she went into cardiac
arrest. She was then diagnosed with severe brain damage, which resulted in Quadriplegic
Cerebral Palsy and Epilepsy. Mariah was also born with a rare hormone disorder called
Panhypopituitarism; her body does not produce the necessary hormones to sustain life.

Mariah, now 10, loves all kinds of music and goes to music therapy, which she enjoys
tremendously. She also has hydrotherapy, and loves being in the pool. Mariah has a small
laugh, which is not heard often, but her mother states that it is the most amazing sound. Mariah
somehow manages to find strength to fight through and overcome all odds set against her.

Learning how to adjust to daily activities and making necessary adaptions to ensure Mariah is
included fully is the biggest challenge for her family. They revealed that it does not matter what
Mariah cannot do, only what she can! Mom refuses to take anything for granted and, instead,
embraces everything ‘Mariah.’

"Everything in life matters."