Image Captured by Monica Lopez Photography
Melissa DePape - FOUNDER
Morinville, Alberta
First a little about me... I LOVE notebooks I think I own a million of them and everyone has something important written on at least some of the pages. I absolutely love a good coffee mug. And I am always on the look out for the one that fits perfectly in the palm of your hands... I also love p.j.s. YES thats right when I am not out in public, or expecting company you will always find me in a comfy pair of jammie pants. I love candles... not so much burning them... You might find me in the candle isle at your local ahhem... Winners or Home Sense. I am that lady who will stop and smell almost every candle announcing my thoughts out loud... "mmmmm" "ooooo" "yummy".
So when I am not writing in one of my million notebooks, or drinking out of one of my favorite mugs while lounging in my p.js. You might find me behind the camera, or doing what I do best being a mom & Wife. I am a Professional Photographer who specializes in Children and Family Photography. My husband Corey and I have been married for over 14 years. We met in high school and yes he is my high school Love. Every day, he continues to keep guessing and laughing.
We have three beautiful little girls. Laila is our youngest. She is four. Laila is our 'easy' baby... she sleeps good, she eats good, she is always happy unless she is tired or hungry. She laughs all the time and I am pretty sure she will out smart me any day now. She has a head full of hair that any women would dream of. Maëlle is seven years old, she is my spirited child who seems to be good at anything that draws her in (She gets that from her daddy). She is my little shadow and cuddle bug she is never far behind me. With Maëlle & Laila, we now know what a healthy child looks like during the first year of their life. My oldest is Nevaeh she is nine. She is happy, smart, feisty and now healthy. She has this heart melting, soul crunching smile that will light up any room and don't even get me started on her giggle. Nevaeh was diagnosed with a heart defect before birth. We were faced with many days and nights of worries. There were times when I thanked the Lord for every breath she took, for every toothy grin, and tear jerking hug. I look back at my photos and realize all the small moments that I had forgotten, how little she was, how pale, and skinny she once was. I look back and see how far she has come, how strong she has grown. I want other families to have these moments to share because no matter how big or little, how strong or weak, how sick or healthy, every moment should be remembered. It is these moments we look back on that only makes us stronger. She is the reason behind The Tiny Light Foundation.
Billie Depatie - CO-FOUNDER
Morinville, Alberta
I am a wife, mother, photographer and clay artist. I have two wonderful boys and one little girl, who fill my life with joy each and every day. Zoey, was a surprise but in the best way possible. She is the light to everyone and we love her to bits. Ethan has such a huge personality and loves everything that surrounds him. If he could be outside 24 hours a day, he would. Erik a shy young man with a heart of gold and a love of film and television. He wants to be a cinematographer. He also took after his mom and also loves art. I am married to my high school sweetheart, we have been in love for 24 years now, and I still love him to pieces. He can still make me laugh after all of these years and that is something I cherish. Life would not be the same without these 3 boys and sweet little girl in it. I am thankful for them every day.
A little about me. I have a strange obsession with pretty bowls, shoes and notebooks as well. If I see a pretty set of bowls it's mine. I have way too many of all three of these things, but continue to find more everywhere I go :) I have always had a creative mind and photography is my my outlet. I am a wedding, lifestyle and boudoir photographer. Capturing memories for families, couples and women. I am self taught and love learning new things about this career. I also make little clay families. I started with making my owns and people loved it so I’ve been making them ever since.
I love that I can be a part of this charity. Melissa and I pour our whole heart into this and it means the world to us. Being able to provide these families with photographic memories, when they are unable to afford the investment due to high cost hospital fees, etc., fills me with joy. I thank God that I can help them in this small way. ♥