Griffin's Story

Tiny Light Griffin is a healthy and active seven-year-old whose perseverance and determination makes him an inspiration to everyone he knows. While some things take him longer to learn, Griffin has proven himself to be a very talented piano player, and enjoys reading, listening to music, skiing, skating, and rollerblading.

Griffin was born at 23 weeks gestation and weighed only 580 grams. Doctors warned his mother, Jamie, that he only had a 20% chance of survival. After two months in the NICU, he went into renal failure, which led to candida (a yeast infection) in his blood. It spread to his eyes, and when the infection finally cleared, the ophthalmologists realized he had stage three Retinopathy of Prematurity (blindness as a result of being born prematurely). Griffin was taken in for laser therapy to try to stop the progression, but he was also diagnosed with Rush Disease, which caused the ROP to progress more rapidly. By the end of the week, Griffin had lost his eyesight completely.

While the news was devastating, Jamie happily took her son home after five months in the hospital, and has since watched him grow into a happy, strong, and determined little boy. Griffin is working hard to learn braille and is learning how to use his white cane. He is comfortable with who he is and is “as stubborn as a mule.”

Jamie is confident that her son will continue to learn and grow, and sees each day as holding new and exciting possibilities. “Never hold them back because of your own fears - allow them to spread their wings. One of these days, you'll watch them soar.”

Story by Emily Harrison

Images Captured by Pam McCready Photography