Pyper's Story

Images Captured by D4 Photography

This is Pyper, and she has an amazing sense of humour, and it shined through during our session. She is a beautiful little sweetheart, who loves music, colouring and painting. Being outdoors is also a favourite, where she can blow bubbles and watch them fly. Pyper has an amazingly positive attitude. She is happy to be who she is and just wants to play with her friends.
Pyper was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy - Type 2, This is a neuromuscular disease that affects all the muscles in your body including swallowing and bowels. The cells in your spine are what tells your muscles to move. In Pyper's spine they are slowly dying. This is a progressive disease with no cure. Her parents found out when Pyper was just a year and half. They have since told her and explained what her condition is, they try to be very open with her. Pyper understands her disease and is able to explain it when people ask.
Her family and friends banded together to fund-raise and get Pyper a wheelchair and a mini-van to drive her where she needs to go, they are very fortunate to have these people in their lives.
There are many things that the doctors say to do for your child who has SMA. It seems at times overwhelming and that there is not enough time in the day. However, each of these things they tell you to do for them is equally important. She will need her parents to be with her for the rest of her life and she will continue to need new equipment as she grows.
Her parents believe that Pyper's future will be filled with love and great friendships, they hope that she remains healthy so she can continue to go to school with all the other children.
"You have to stay positive, do what is best for your child medically and do your best to give them a happy childhood."
Story By Billie Depatie