Savanna & Kaylee's Story

​Images Captured By Rebecca Sehn Portrait Artist

Meet Tiny Light twins Savanna and Kaylee. These sisters love going to preschool and taking part in therapeutic horseback rides. They especially love to have fun with big brother Ryder and mom and dad.

The twins were born three and a half months premature and only weighed two pounds each. Both Savanna and Kaylee suffered interventricular brain hemorrhages and white matter brain damage, resulting in cerebral palsy. Savanna has been more severely affected as she is unable to walk, has hip dysplasia and requires two surgeries.  It is difficult for her to sit unaided for an extended period of time. Kaylee required heart surgery at three weeks old and will require one more surgery in the new year.

Mom Nicky notes that it was heartbreaking to hear the girls’ diagnoses and the challenges that they would face. She credits Savanna and Kaylee’s “hard work, dedication, happiness and joy” as the most inspiring part of their journey.

Although the road ahead will present difficulties, Savanna and Kaylee have already overcome so many obstacles by participating in alternative therapies. Savanna is currently able to use a walker and Kaylee is participating in physiotherapy. Nicky acknowledges that their progress from birth has been “unthinkable” given the circumstances and attributes a great deal of their success to alternative therapies including horseback riding. As she says, “There are many alternative therapies out there that really do help, don’t give up searching.”

Story by Stephanie Bond

Aiden's Story

​Images Captured By Katie Harding Photography

Meet Tiny Light Aiden. This Tiny Light loves to play with blocks and cars. He also loves going on walks and car rides and snacking on the odd Timbit.

Aiden was born 15 weeks premature and weighed just 1lb 12ozs. Shortly after birth, he was diagnosed with bronchopulmonary dysplasia – a lung condition that is caused by the abnormal development of lung tissue. He was also subsequently diagnosed with mild cerebral palsy, retinopathy of prematurity, sensorineural hearing loss and autism. This brave little boy has battled infections, several surgeries, severe visual impairment and motor skill challenges but has persevered and is determined to live life to the fullest.

It’s been a tough journey for parents Deidre and Scott. “Never knowing what the next doctor’s appointment will bring, constantly wondering will Aiden ever talk, will he ever use a fork, will we ever get to hear him say ‘I Love You’” - those have been the most difficult realities.

Despite the fact Aiden has medical challenges, he is a very happy child and inspires his family with his progress, accomplishments and attitude. As a note to other families, Deidre and Scott say, “Live every day to the fullest and don’t allow the diagnoses to be a negative, turn it into a positive, allow it to be a learning experience for you and your family, allow your child to teach you as much as you will teach your child.”

Story by Stephanie Bond