Kyle's Story
/Images Captured by Lori Waltenbury Photography
Meet Tiny Light Kyle. He loves playing with his friends and cousins, colouring, drawing pictures, playing with mighty machines, cars, trucks, and trains and riding on his John Deere toy tractor outside. He also likes listening to music videos on the family’s iPad.
During a follow-up appointment with Kyle’s allergy specialist, Kyle’s mother, Shanna, shared some concerns with the doctor about a few bleeding noses and bruises that were darker than normal. Routine blood work turned into a trip to the emergency room for more tests. The next morning Kyle was flown by air ambulance to the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) in Ottawa.
Kyle’s parents, Shanna and Joey Lecuyer, were devastated when Kyle was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Terrified of what the future held for their little boy, they found some hope in the assurances from the doctors about advances in cancer treatments.
Unfortunately, Kyle has not responded to chemotherapy as hoped. He’s still minimal residual disease (MRD) positive, so he must undergo a stem cell transplant. None of Kyle’s family are a match so they had to wait to see if Kyle could find an unrelated match on the bone marrow registry. Kyle will be undergoing a stem cell transplant at Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto.
Kyle is tough, compassionate, and considerate. He’s very attached to his blue blanket, which he calls "baby." When he’s sad or doesn't feel well, his blanket always makes him feel better. Kyle tries to charm all the nurses with his big blue eyes and smile—and it usually works! If someone is sad, Kyle tries to think of things that might make them happy.
Shanna and Joey found that no one can do it on their own and are amazed by the support from family, friends, and the community. They say, “Stories from other family members whose children are doing well inspire us.”
The family’s hope is that Kyle will get better and live a long and healthy life. They would love to see him grow up to big and strong like his daddy.
Story Written by Monica Rolinski