Karter's Story
/Memories Captured by Lisa Marie Photography www.lisamariephotography.ca
Tiny Light Karter may not be able to speak, but he has touched the lives of hundreds of people all around the world. His amazing strength and ability to deal with tough challenges are such an inspiration.
Karter’s journey started just after he turned three months old. He had his first seizure - the first of hundreds more seizures to follow. Following many MRIs, EEGs and long hospital stays, Karter was eventually diagnosed with epilepsy and infantile spasms. None of the medications and treatments worked so at 10 months old, he underwent neurosurgery to remove a portion of his right front lobe. That controlled the seizures for a little while, but eventually they came back. Karter had the rest of his right front lobe removed two years later.
Now Karter is almost 7 years old. His condition has left him with a global developmental delay - he is unable to sit or walk. However, his family chooses to celebrate the small milestones. Their Tiny Light is full of joy and loves life. He enjoys playing “Peekaboo”, listening to music, and going to school. Mom Charlene says, “No matter how much you plan, life does not always work out the way you may have thought it would. Learn to take life moment by moment and enjoy the joy in each day.”
Written by Elaine Yong