Jordan's Story

Tiny Light Jordan is a very happy and content little boy. He loves life and has fun with it. His family celebrates every one of his milestones and try to give him the experiences that any little boy would have.

Jordan was born 16 weeks premature at only 1 pound, 6 ounces. He spent 169 days in the NICU because he was severely ill and had multiple complications. His parents figured early on that they’d have a special needs child. Doctors feared that Jordan wouldn’t even make it, but miraculously he pulled through.

Within a year of Jordan’s life, he was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, severe hearing loss, cortical visual impairment, acid reflux and chronic lung disease. It was quite an emotional year for this Tiny Light’s parents. Jordan’s mom Cheryl says, “It’s a true miracle that he’s even alive.”

Jordan can do many things; it just takes him a bit longer than most. But, he’ll likely never walk or talk and will need technology to assist him in his daily needs, as well as an aid or helper to feed, dress and change him. However, Jordan will be able to control his own power chair and communication device, giving him some sense of individuality. His parents hope that Jordan will be a strong person and that people will respect him for who he is. Jordan is a lovable three and a half year old, who people love being around. His parents only hope that this will remain true in the future.

Written by Valerie Bush

Images Captured by Merryfields Photography