Hunter's Story

Images Captured by Plus One Photography

Tiny Light Hunter is a happy eight year old boy who constantly inspires his loved ones, especially his mother Rachel and sister Jade. Hunter's smile and laughter are contagious, as is his enthusiasm for life.
Hunter's challenges started as a newborn, when he was having as many as 20 seizures a day. At just eight weeks, he was diagnosed with a seizure disorder and placed in an induced coma to help control the seizures. Five weeks later he was released, with doctors delivering the heart-breaking news that he would never meet "normal" milestones.
For Hunter's mother Rachel, the prognosis left her in disbelief, and wondering, "Why me?" But over time, she has learned to take one day at a time and focus on Hunter's happiness. Despite having epilepsy and global developmental delay, Hunter can now crawl, sit on his own and walk with assistance. He loves swimming, going on a swing and watching fireworks.
Hunter is still non-verbal, unable to feed himself and requires a wheelchair. Fortunately, friends and family have rallied together in support of this Tiny Light. And with their ongoing help, Hunter's mom believes her son will remain happy and healthy, and continue to inspire everyone he meets.

written by Catherine Urquhart