Madden's Story

Images captured by Devon Hall Photography

This Tiny Light is a flirt who can charm anyone he meets.  Madden is only two, yet people are drawn to him and find inspiration in his story. 

Born premature, Madden has an adrenal syndrome.  This means he doesn’t make enough of certain hormones and will require hormone replacement therapy when he is older.  He also has interstitial lung disease, which is very rare in children and causes scarring of the lungs.  All this has resulted in failure to thrive.  Madden doesn’t gain weight or grow like other children his age. 

None of this has slowed Madden down.  He has so much energy, especially for his favourite activities: dancing, swimming and soccer. 

Madden faces a lifetime of doctors’ appointments, procedures and medications.  But his mom hopes her Tiny Light knows no limits, no doors will be closed, no opportunities missed, no passion undiscovered.  “It seems like Madden has been my child forever.  I have a hard time remembering a life without him – he did that to me, captured my heart and soul and I wouldn’t change a thing.” 

Written by Elaine Yong