Ciara's Story

At just 24 weeks pregnant Ciara’s mommy and daddy found out their baby girl had a heart condition.  

These words coming from the doctors were very difficult to hear.  “I just broke down and could not stop crying” says Megan Ciara’s Mom.  

The diagnosis was never confirmed and changed many times during Megan’s pregnancy. Even the severity was unknown.  When Ciara was born she was quickly taken to the NICU where she was later diagnosed with Coarctation of the aorta artery. ( This is a tight narrowing in the aorta, which is the great vessel that takes blood from the heart to the body). A week later she was taken for the long 5 hour surgery where they stopped her little heart and fixed it.
“Ciara being only one week old and having open heart surgery showed me how resilient she is. ” “Having this wonderful little person who makes me smile every time I look at her and knowing how fortunate we are that she is such a strong little girl.” 
Even though Ciara requires to see her cardiologist every 2-4 months and will likely require further surgery in her life, her parents still have many hopes and dreams for her. “She will grow up to be a beautiful, intelligent, strong young woman.” Ciara is blessed to have a special Angel watching over her.  Her Great Grandma Audrey passed away 5 days before she was born.  “Sometimes someone must leave this life to make room for a new life; maybe Ciara needed a special Angel to keep her safe.”Photo courtesy Melissa DePape Photography