Zaccary's Story
/Memoires Captured by Trevor Allen Photography Inc.
Meet Tiny Light Zaccary. He’s a bright boy who enjoys reading and counting, likes Thomas the Tank Engine and helping his mom and dad cook and clean around the house. He loves oatmeal and would eat up to eight bowls if you let him! Even though he always has a smile on his face, he’s been through a lot in his short life.
Just after his second birthday, Zaccary started changing. He became shy and withdrawn, he was pale, and he began walking with a slight limp. For the next few months he battled one infection after another until he got to the point where he refused to walk. His parents took him to the emergency room and though they didn’t get an official diagnosis right away, they knew in their hearts something was horribly wrong.
On May 24th, 2011 Zaccary was diagnosed with stage 4 high-risk neuroblastoma (three tumors, bone marrow infiltration and bone disease) and given a 33% chance of long-term survival. Given the news, his parents felt as though their hearts were being ripped out. They say the hardest part was watching him suffer, wishing they could take the treatments for him.
After a long road of aggressive treatments, Zaccary has been in remission for two years now! A major accomplishment for this type of cancer. He is thriving in every way and has a voracious appetite, liking everything from raw onions to Caesar salad. He also wants to be a doctor when he grows up. Although the road has been a rough one, his parents remain positive. His mom says it best, “I live every day reminding myself to stay in the moment, enjoy my son and the time we have together. It’s hard to not dwell on the past and fear the future, but he is with us in the moment, so we are with him too.”
Written by Adrianna Tailleur