Logan's Story

Images Captured by Samantha Jiwa Photography

This Tiny Light has tremendous toughness underneath his cute exterior.  By the time Logan was three and a half months old, he had already been through more health challenges than some people face in a lifetime.

The ordeal began just two months after his birth, when Logan spiked a fever.  His mother Katelyn took him to the local emergency department and as the hours went by, little Logan developed a rash and grew very pale.  He was diagnosed with meningitis and transferred to the nearest children’s hospital.  After an MRI was performed, a team of neurosurgeons went to meet with the family.

The MRI had revealed that a dimple at the base of Logan’s lower back actually had a little hole in it leading directly to his spinal cord.  E. coli bacteria from his feces had been getting into the hole, causing the meningitis.  Surgery was the answer to the problem, but Logan’s unusual story wasn’t over yet.  As the surgeons followed the hole through to Logan’s spinal cord, they discovered and removed a tumour, and an abscess which had been draining into his spinal fluid.  Also, there were other abnormalities which made the operation especially challenging.  

Logan spent a total of five weeks in the hospital, but as Katelyn says, “The most amazing thing was watching him go through such a hard thing and be so cooperative with the staff with blood work and bandage changes and anything else they needed to do.”  Months later, this Tiny Light is doing well with no apparent regrowth of the tumour.  He is being monitored for any long-term effects from the meningitis and the spinal cord abnormalities.  

Written by Jayne Akizuki

Troy's Story

Memories Captured by Kim Culbert Photography

According to his mom Jodie, Tiny Light Troy was an “extremely easy” baby and Jodie considered herself very lucky.  Shortly after he turned one, though, Jodie and her husband Brian began to get concerned.  He wasn’t talking, and he seemed different from other children, although his parents didn’t really know why.

Around the age of two, Troy started having grand mal seizures and that led to assessment and therapy.  It took a long time to get the seizures under control, and then when he was four years old, Troy was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.  “

We felt scared and unsure how to help him,” Jodie says, “but relieved that we finally had some answers and a direction to go in and services to access.”

Jodie describes autism as an invisible disability, one that can make life painful in a very unique and different way.   But she also considers Troy’s autism “an opportunity for us all to slow down and look at life differently.”  Troy is funny and loving, treats everyone he meets equally and takes great pleasure in other people’s smiles.  He loves playing on the computer, playing tag, swimming, and making forts.     “Our hopes,” says Jodie, “are that Troy is eventually able to capitalize on his differences and that others accept him for who he is.”

Written by:
​Jayne Akizuki