Nevaeh's Story
/Images Captured by D4 Photography
Tiny Light Nevaeh is always ready with a smile, a hug and a big beautiful
laugh. This spunky four year old girl has shown everyone that life is full of
love…all we need to do is get out there and live.
Nevaeh was diagnosed with Down syndrome at birth. Doctors were also
concerned about heart defects – atrial and ventricular septal defects – as
well as fluid in the lungs. Though parents Melissa and Corey were
hopeful the heart would heal on their own, Nevaeh had to undergo
surgery at six months. Then at one year, this tough little girl had another
operation to correct craniosynostosis – a birth defect that causes the
sutures on a baby’s head to close too early.
Though the road hasn’t always been easy, especially dealing with
misconceptions about children with Down syndrome, Nevaeh is happy
and healthy. She loves to read books and mother her baby dolls. She is
especially good at drawing rainbows and enjoys breaking out the dance
moves with her younger sister. Communication is a challenge, but
Nevaeh knows over 200 signs.
This Tiny Light has a wonderful future in front of her and no matter
what path she chooses, her family will stand proudly at her side.
“Nevaeh is amazing. She has shown me that so many of us complain
and take things for granted. Enjoy the little things because we all know
it is the little things that make life worth living.”
Story Written by Elaine Yong