Chloe & Cameron's Story

​Images Captured By Angie Chauvin Photography

Tiny Lights Chloe and Cameron have faced challenges right from birth. The siblings,
along with brother Carter, are triplets, born early at 31 weeks. They spent 42 days
in the NICU before coming home healthy. But after their second birthday, parents
Valerie and Dave were concerned about their development. Within a few months
at daycare, Carter’s speech developed quickly, but that wasn’t the case for Chloe
and Cameron. Turns out both of them are severely autistic and Cameron also has
juvenile arthritis.

The diagnoses have changed the family’s lives forever. There are numerous medical
appointments that require traveling, plus the mounting costs of special programs
such as therapeutic riding and swimming. Valerie has had to take on two extra jobs
just to help pay the bills.

Through it all, Chloe and Cameron have taught their parents so much. They are non-
verbal, but manage to get what they want when they want. These Tiny Lights love
snuggling, playing on the computer and helping in the kitchen. They are willing to
learn something new everyday. “We keep the kids very involved and will continue to
do so. We want them to experience life to their fullest potential!”

​Written by Elaine Yong