Ryley's Story
/Tiny Light Ryley was just like any young little boy. He developed normally, learning to crawl, walk, sit and even say his first words. However, when Ryley was only two, his parents began noticing that he was “lost in his own world.” He became withdrawn and no longer spoke.
At three and a half, Ryley was finally diagnosed with severe autism disorder, intellectual disability and possibly ADHD. Ryley’s parents were scared, shocked, angry, sad and uncertain about what was ahead of them but it didn’t take them long to face their Tiny Light’s diagnosis head on. They created Ryley’s Heroes to bring awareness and raise money for autism.
Ryley is now a happy six-year-old. He’s an incredibly loving and friendly boy who loves running, jumping, balancing, swinging and dancing. His parents believe that this unique journey has made them stronger and more powerful.
Ryley’s parents believe this Tiny Light’s future will hold many things. Although they fear that he’ll never be able to communicate, have a conversation, get married or have that “dream job,” they hope and dream that Ryley is truly happy and that he accomplishes whatever he wants to do in life.
Written by Valerie Bush
Images Captured by Lisa Marie Photography