Nicholas' Story
/Images Captured by Cormack Photography
Tiny Light Nicholas loves cuddles and cartoons. He especially enjoys a good laugh and could easily spend a day giggling.
At four months old, Nicholas` mom noticed that his eyes were acting strange and rolling backwards. After going to the hospital, doctors could not find anything wrong with Nicholas. It took four to five additional visits to the hospital before Nicholas was diagnosed with a severe seizure disorder. Nicholas suffers from seizures daily and he has significant trouble breathing when he has a seizure. He has been admitted to hospital fifty-six times throughout his young life and is currently on four different medications and is tube fed.
Nicholas` mom`s reaction to his diagnosis was, “Why my son?” She credits this journey with Nicholas as an inspiration to “live life to its fullest every day.”
Nicholas always has a big smile on his face despite the challenges he faces. His perseverance and positive attitude inspire his family. As a note to other families dealing with similar circumstances, Nicholas’ parents say, “You need to take it day by day and whatever comes, you need to live everyday like it is your last.”
Story by Stephanie Bond