Eva's Story
/Images Captured by Sharon Wright Photography
Tiny Light Eva always has a smile on her face. She loves playing peekaboo with her father, dancing around the house Gangnam Style, exploring new places, and munching on her eggs in the morning. Even when she’s not feeling well, she can be found kicking a ball around the house and being a big sister to Maddy.
Although Eva’s diagnosis of Down syndrome shortly after birth was a shock and has been an emotional roller coaster for her family, it never affected their love for her for a minute. Her parents describe her as “truly amazing, and the love of our lives.” Her two middle names, Maria and Charlene, honour her auntie and her godmother. She’s adored by her large family, who accept her as she is and feel lucky to have her in their lives.
Eva’s positive attitude inspires those around her. She sees life as an amazing gift, and loves and lives in the present every day. Her diagnosis has helped the family learn to focus on the important things in their lives, and Eva’s mom says her daughter can do anything. She won’t even be surprised if Eva wins a gold medal in the Special Olympics one day!
Story Written by Adris Fisch