William's Story

Images Captured By Christy Wells Photography

Meet Tiny Light Will – his mom believes that Will can see angels.

William was born a typical, healthy little boy but suffered from a Meningitis infection at only three days old which caused a great deal of damage to his brain.  His official diagnosis is Cerebral Palsy stemming from a brain injury; he also experiences bilateral hearing loss.  When he was just five days old, the doctors informed them of just how bad the damage was and warned them that Will would likely not make it much longer.  They were devastated.

But being the fighter he is, Will has overcome all odds set against him; he is a gift to his family and friends.  There are always fears that he will not be treated well or with the respect he deserves, but his family works hard at ensuring that only the best people are around him.  Will is out in the community every day, and they realize that they cannot control  what others think or do; they can only hope to help teach those who are willing to listen.

Will is technically on “palliative care,” but his mom jokes, “aren’t we all?”  He lights up the world around him by simply existing.  This four-year-old loves music and dancing, playing in water and watching his peers play around him.  He currently participates in a day program called G.R.I.T (Getting Ready for Inclusion Today) that assists him accomplishing specific personal goals.

His family wishes for him to be the best Will he can be and that his life is filled with support, happiness and joy.  They are excited to share pictures of Will so others can witness how brightly he shines.