Brooke's Story

Images Captured By Scuffed Boots Photography

Meet one-year-old Brooke.  This Tiny Light loves reading stories and loves her cats.  She loves being chased and tickled!  She has a crazy amount of energy, which is infectious to anyone and everyone around her!  Brooke is so sweet and has been a strong girl throughout her journey!

Brooke was born with Congenital Heart Disease.  She had two holes in her heart (AVSD), pulmonary stenosis, parachute mitral valve stenosis and tachycardia (a racing heart).  She underwent heart surgery at only three months old to repair the two holes.  As if being new parents is not overwhelming enough, Brooke's parents were quickly learning the ins and outs of the medical system.

Brooke's parents wish for a future with no further heart surgeries, something that is uncertain at this time.  They trust the medical system and are provided huge amounts of comfort by this trust; because of this system, they still have their daughter.  While the thought of possible future surgeries are a constant worry, Brooke's parents do not let it get them down.  "We just have to look at her with her ball of energy, and she reminds us to live in the present!"

Story By Angela Stephen- Dewhurst